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在 Mr. Tuxedo & Bespoke,我...
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感謝靚靚新娘 Maggie and 靚仔新郎 A...
Thanks for sharing the pictures! Look...
The 4 suits represents our 4 main services
Using a serif font here leaves a trace of classic feel
比較多間禮服公司 覺得 Mr. Tuxedo & Bespoke 性價比最高 價錢抵之餘禮服質素都非常好 Eddie 都非常專業 好細心甘比意見我地 final fit...more
by Cin Pang
衷心感謝 Eddie 的協助!令山竹前夕的婚宴能圓滿舉行,他們由試衫、改衫、拎衫及還衫都非常認真服務,一絲不苟,重點係新郎同老爺的禮服非常美,全人類盛讚!!簡直肥豬變型...more
by Human Lee
度身訂造 cp 值爆錶,明白我想做到咩效果。本身我覺得燕尾會好leung, 但著咗出黎真係好好睇,完全改觀晒,cutting 超fit. ...more
by Thomas Ko
啱啱結婚一星期 - 一定要過黎 rate 返 Mr. Tuxedo & Bespoke! 首先 Mr. Tuxedo & Bespoke 嘅服務都已經5粒星,eddi...more
by Ada Li
整個預約試穿過程十分愉快和滿意。Eddie 耐心說明那一個禮服比較適合,也提供不少禮服上的知識,十分專業。過程中也沒有任何催促落單,這個很好。最後也猜不到自己穿上燕尾有...more
by Alfred Si
Rented two tuxedos and a suit at this shop. Reasonable price with sound quality. Sta...more
by Eric Chong
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Step 01
Make a Reservation
Online / Phone
Step 02
Visit Our Shop
Measurement & Styling
Step 03
Pick Up
Alterations (if needed)